LED Lighting Replacement

LED Lighting Replacement

SEI have gained a wealth of knowledge in LED replacement in recent years. We have completed a number of LED design and installation projects at various schools, office blocks, and homes and have a wide choice of suppliers. Over the last decade, LED lighting has grown from a rare, energy efficient choice into a widely used lighting option for homes, businesses and organisations.

We carry out a number of School LED lighting upgrades as part of the government’s Salix scheme.

LED light bulbs have a wide range of benefits. They’re energy efficient, capable of producing a large amount of light at a low wattage. They’re also affordable in the long term, with lower long-term costs than fluorescent or incandescent lights.

SEI are happy to come out and complete an energy consumption survey, which will predict how long it would take to pay for your new lighting installation in energy savings, this service is completely free of charge, just call our office to book.